Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2008
A house fit for a gingerbread family

As temperatures dipped to -2 yesterday, we stayed inside our toasty home and worked on this gingerbread house. Zachary and Lauren have always liked reading Gingerbread Baby, by Jan Brett. The artwork is quite impressive! We were excited to find the sequel, Gingerbread Friends, at Barnes & Noble recently. We think the gingerbread baby would enjoy this dwelling!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Oh, the Weather Outside is Frightful

Skeptical Forecast Viewers 0
The weather was just fine last night, but this was our view this morning! Zachary's Christmas vacation was extended by a day. It looks like they'll be having their school Christmas party in January. Even Lauren's preschool/daycare closed, which is a rarity! We're hoping our poor little tree doesn't snap with the weight of the ice. It has bent dramatically since this picture was taken. Stay warm, everyone!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Top Ten Things We Did This Thanksgiving
1. Visited with family
2. Ate lots of food (turkey, turkey, more turkey, and lunch at Red Robin today)
3. Bought presents for a Christmas family we're helping this year
4. Braved the mall today, which actually wasn't as crowded as we expected
6. Watched Bolt in 3-D at the movie theater
7. Read
8. Played games
9. Changed Lauren's earrings for the first time!
10. Watched IU basketball
2. Ate lots of food (turkey, turkey, more turkey, and lunch at Red Robin today)
3. Bought presents for a Christmas family we're helping this year
4. Braved the mall today, which actually wasn't as crowded as we expected
6. Watched Bolt in 3-D at the movie theater
7. Read
8. Played games
9. Changed Lauren's earrings for the first time!
10. Watched IU basketball
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
'Twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through the house
Everyone was tired of hearing me grouse
About all of the items I had signed up to bake.
Wouldn't it have been easier to go buy a cake?
So the kiddles cracked eggs, poured gunk and flung flour.
We had everything made within just an hour.
When the timer went off, we ran to the oven,
Tore open the door to grab the food we'd be lovin'.
Our mouths were watering when we pulled out the treats.
Carbs, cheese and fruit make good Thanksgiving eats!
Temptation was too great and soon the kids were yellin',
Mommy's eating a cranberry bar...but who's tellin'?
Crisis averted, we went off to bed.
Visions of turkey and potatoes were certainly in my head.
Thanksgiving morning we packed up the car
And headed to Grandma's; just an hour, not far.
We ate two huge meals that Thanksgiving day.
The kids still had energy but we were too stuffed to play.
We ate way too much but took time to remember
What we were thankful for this November.
Zachary was thankful for food, and Lauren, for rolls.
Olivya agreed with the results of those polls.
Natasha, at the wise age of ten, simply said,
"I'm thankful for family and friends," off the top of her head.
So, just as Natasha so sweetly reminded us,
It's not just the gluttony that's a Thanksgiving plus.
It's the time we spend together and the family we treasure.
That's something more special than calories to measure!
Everyone was tired of hearing me grouse
About all of the items I had signed up to bake.
Wouldn't it have been easier to go buy a cake?
So the kiddles cracked eggs, poured gunk and flung flour.
We had everything made within just an hour.
When the timer went off, we ran to the oven,
Tore open the door to grab the food we'd be lovin'.
Our mouths were watering when we pulled out the treats.
Carbs, cheese and fruit make good Thanksgiving eats!
Temptation was too great and soon the kids were yellin',
Mommy's eating a cranberry bar...but who's tellin'?
Crisis averted, we went off to bed.
Visions of turkey and potatoes were certainly in my head.
Thanksgiving morning we packed up the car
And headed to Grandma's; just an hour, not far.
We ate two huge meals that Thanksgiving day.
The kids still had energy but we were too stuffed to play.
We ate way too much but took time to remember
What we were thankful for this November.
Zachary was thankful for food, and Lauren, for rolls.
Olivya agreed with the results of those polls.
Natasha, at the wise age of ten, simply said,
"I'm thankful for family and friends," off the top of her head.
So, just as Natasha so sweetly reminded us,
It's not just the gluttony that's a Thanksgiving plus.
It's the time we spend together and the family we treasure.
That's something more special than calories to measure!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy Birthday, Lauren!
Lauren is FIVE today! She had a birthday party with friends last night at Build-a-Bear. (Six little people at Build-a-Bear was an interesting adventure but the staff did a nice job.) Today we're celebrating with family at home. We're having a "Lauren's Favorites" lunch, consisting of pizza, macaroni and cheese, barbeque potato chips, a veggie tray, cake, ice cream, and Oreos. Very nutritious, indeed. Halloween and birthday pictures are coming soon!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Great Zoo Halloween IX

Here is Lauren's recap of the evening: "I liked the candy and the people were nice. I like the candy because it's all sugary. I bet Zachary liked the candy, too.

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Happy Birthday, David!

Tomorrow is David's 35th birthday! As Matt so tactfully pointed out, he's halfway to 70! We celebrated today with a low country boil (shrimp, potatoes, corn, and sausage), cornbread, fruit, pumpkin trifle, and spice cake with loads of frosting and sprinkles. We got the idea for the low country boil from some of our trips south. We tried it in Charleston, SC, Tybee Island, GA (near Savannah), and Hilton Head, SC. David requested the pumpkin trifle for his birthday dessert after we found it in one of the recent Taste of Home issues. Lauren and I also made a spice cake so the non-pumpkin-trifle fans could eat some birthday cake. (It's also a little difficult to put candles on a trifle.) Of course, we were reminded of the Friends episode where Rachel accidentally combines a trifle recipe with a shepherd's pie recipe. Joey liked it: "Custard, good. Jam, good. Meat, goooooood!" We left the meat out of our trifle, and used spice cake, a pumpkin mixture (pumpkin pie filling, brown sugar, and vanilla pudding), and Cool Whip. We're still stuffed but we're planning on having huge meal #2 tonight since we have so many leftovers. Happy birthday, David!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008

We made one last trip to the zoo this weekend before it closed for the season. We decided to keep the panda that made its way home with us.

Lauren was inspired to do some baking after we saw the Halloween decorating supplies at Wal-Mart.

(Top) Lauren's new bedazzled (i.e. pierced) ears
(Bottom) Zachary & David reading a bedtime book
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Curse of the Giant Silverado

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
The Election Draws Near...
Ever watch Leno's Jaywalking clips? It's amazing that there are people out there who can't name the Presidential candidates. Even Zachary and Lauren have a clue about our potential fearless leaders, although I'm sure they would readily vote Spongebob into office.
There's an effort to elect an unknown random person as President, and it's someone we know! Watch this online video about the surprising new nominee:
Click here!
Let us know if you're ready to jump on this bandwagon (and thanks to Krista for alerting us to this candidate).
~D, M, Z, L
There's an effort to elect an unknown random person as President, and it's someone we know! Watch this online video about the surprising new nominee:
Click here!
Let us know if you're ready to jump on this bandwagon (and thanks to Krista for alerting us to this candidate).
~D, M, Z, L
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
This Past Weekend from A to Z
A - All four of us piled in the car and...
B - ...Bloomington was our destination.
C - The Cheesecake Factory is often on our list when we're passing through Indianapolis. We ate there for lunch on Sunday. The blueberry white chocolate cheesecake was delish!
D - Drive, drive, drive...thank goodness for the DVD player, satellite radio, and stacks of books in the car.
E - Eating is always a highlight of any road trip. The most interesting morsel: the fried macaroni and cheese appetizer at the Cheesecake Factory!
F - Zachary had a flag football game on Saturday so we headed toward Bloomington after his game.
G - IU's game time: 7:00 p.m. Saturday. That gave us enough time to check into our hotel in Plainfield and drive on to Bloomington.
H - Hooray for the beautiful weather we had this weekend!
I - We had great seats at the IU vs. Ball State football game. Too bad IU forgot to play.
J - Junk food is an integral part of any football game! The hot dogs were especially good. Zachary and Lauren got some Dippin' Dots.
K - IU looked promising at kick-off time, but they lost some steam as the game went on.
L - Lauren liked IU's band and the cheerleaders. Zachary watched the football game quite attentively. He still says he's going to play college baseball though, just like his uncle.
M - We went to the Indianapolis Zoo on Sunday. We enjoyed watching several members of a monkey family fight over who got to hold the baby monkey at the zoo. Apparently monkeys aren't much different from humans when it comes to baby holding mania!
N - The baby monkey wasn't the only new creature at the zoo. We also saw a baby giraffe and a baby elephant.
O - Our next trip to Bloomington will include a basketball game. We've been on IU's season ticket waiting list for eons. In the meantime, we've had some luck getting tickets to games scheduled when students are away on Christmas break. We've also gone to some of the IU games in Indy.
P - We love the Fort Wayne Zoo, but it was fun to see some different animals at Indy's Zoo, including the polar bears.
Q - The car was quiet on the way back to our Plainfield hotel after the IU game. Thankfully, Zachary and Lauren slept since we got back to the hotel after midnight.
R - We have fond memories of our first apartment at Redbud Hill in Bloomington. We often walked to the stadium and to Assembly Hall for games.
S - We sat in the "Splash Zone" at the zoo to watch the dolphin show. Had it been 90 degrees, I would've been overjoyed with the shower we got.
T - We inched along in post-game traffic for about an hour in Bloomington. We never examined Grant Street so closely when we actually lived in B-town!
U - We lucked out with the weather this weekend. Umbrellas were unnecessary!
V - We stayed overnight in Plainfield because there were no hotel vacancies in Bloomington. I guess that's what happens when the freshman family weekend, business school induction, arts administration alumni symposium, and a home football game all occur in the same weekend!
W - David, Zachary and I ordered cheesecake for dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. Lauren was content eating blobs of our whipped cream.
X - Walking around the zoo was good EXercise (yes, I'm cheating poor letter X). When Lauren wasn't begging to be carried because her little legs were tired, she was sprinting ahead of us, instructing us to time her!
Y - We've taken a lot of weekend trips this summer/early fall. We hope Zachary and Lauren will look back on them fondly for years!
Z - We had fun at the Indianapolis Zoo. (We had to point out Zachy Zebra, much to Zachary's chagrin.)
B - ...Bloomington was our destination.
C - The Cheesecake Factory is often on our list when we're passing through Indianapolis. We ate there for lunch on Sunday. The blueberry white chocolate cheesecake was delish!
D - Drive, drive, drive...thank goodness for the DVD player, satellite radio, and stacks of books in the car.
E - Eating is always a highlight of any road trip. The most interesting morsel: the fried macaroni and cheese appetizer at the Cheesecake Factory!
F - Zachary had a flag football game on Saturday so we headed toward Bloomington after his game.
G - IU's game time: 7:00 p.m. Saturday. That gave us enough time to check into our hotel in Plainfield and drive on to Bloomington.
H - Hooray for the beautiful weather we had this weekend!
I - We had great seats at the IU vs. Ball State football game. Too bad IU forgot to play.
J - Junk food is an integral part of any football game! The hot dogs were especially good. Zachary and Lauren got some Dippin' Dots.
K - IU looked promising at kick-off time, but they lost some steam as the game went on.
L - Lauren liked IU's band and the cheerleaders. Zachary watched the football game quite attentively. He still says he's going to play college baseball though, just like his uncle.
M - We went to the Indianapolis Zoo on Sunday. We enjoyed watching several members of a monkey family fight over who got to hold the baby monkey at the zoo. Apparently monkeys aren't much different from humans when it comes to baby holding mania!
N - The baby monkey wasn't the only new creature at the zoo. We also saw a baby giraffe and a baby elephant.
O - Our next trip to Bloomington will include a basketball game. We've been on IU's season ticket waiting list for eons. In the meantime, we've had some luck getting tickets to games scheduled when students are away on Christmas break. We've also gone to some of the IU games in Indy.
P - We love the Fort Wayne Zoo, but it was fun to see some different animals at Indy's Zoo, including the polar bears.
Q - The car was quiet on the way back to our Plainfield hotel after the IU game. Thankfully, Zachary and Lauren slept since we got back to the hotel after midnight.
R - We have fond memories of our first apartment at Redbud Hill in Bloomington. We often walked to the stadium and to Assembly Hall for games.
S - We sat in the "Splash Zone" at the zoo to watch the dolphin show. Had it been 90 degrees, I would've been overjoyed with the shower we got.
T - We inched along in post-game traffic for about an hour in Bloomington. We never examined Grant Street so closely when we actually lived in B-town!
U - We lucked out with the weather this weekend. Umbrellas were unnecessary!
V - We stayed overnight in Plainfield because there were no hotel vacancies in Bloomington. I guess that's what happens when the freshman family weekend, business school induction, arts administration alumni symposium, and a home football game all occur in the same weekend!
W - David, Zachary and I ordered cheesecake for dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. Lauren was content eating blobs of our whipped cream.
X - Walking around the zoo was good EXercise (yes, I'm cheating poor letter X). When Lauren wasn't begging to be carried because her little legs were tired, she was sprinting ahead of us, instructing us to time her!
Y - We've taken a lot of weekend trips this summer/early fall. We hope Zachary and Lauren will look back on them fondly for years!
Z - We had fun at the Indianapolis Zoo. (We had to point out Zachy Zebra, much to Zachary's chagrin.)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Another 4 going on 20 conversation with Lauren

Me: When should people get a cell phone?
Lauren: When they're grown up.
Me: How old will you be when you're grown up?
Lauren: About 13. Then I'll get a cell phone.
Lauren: When were you grown up, mama?
Me: I don't know; about 18?
Lauren: You had to stay with your mom and dad until you were 18???!!!???
Me: Yes, then I went to college. Will you stay with me until you're 18?
Lauren: [sigh] I guess, but that's really far away and I don't know what I'll be doing then.
Playhouse Disney

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Lauren's Latest Line
Overheard as Lauren was taking a bath last night...
Lauren: Mommeeeeeeeeeeeee! I need you to rinse my haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair!
Zachary: Why don't you rinse it, Lauren?
Lauren: Zachary, that would not be appropriate. I don't know how to do that.
(Lauren is four going on 20.) :-)
Lauren: Mommeeeeeeeeeeeee! I need you to rinse my haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair!
Zachary: Why don't you rinse it, Lauren?
Lauren: Zachary, that would not be appropriate. I don't know how to do that.
(Lauren is four going on 20.) :-)
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Busy lives, procrastination, etc.
Yet another few weeks have gone by since the last post. That usually means I have a ton of pictures on my camera that I could post and a gazillion things on my to-do list. The blog often gets moved to the bottom of the list! How could it not, when I get requests to play Webkinz online as soon as I pick up the laptop?
Anyway, here are the things that have been taking up our time: 3rd grade, soccer, flag football, preschool, work, the lake, cleaning, picking "stuff" in the garden (weeds and actual food), laundry, cooking, reading, camping, procrastinating, etc. Pretty soon our Bible study group will be starting back up for the school year so we'll add that to the list!
David and I have been reading the Twilight saga, a series of four young adult books by Stephenie Meyer. They are fantastic! I finished book four and David is working on it now. If you have the means...
We finally picked one of our watermelons. It was quite tasty! We're still waiting for our corn. The plants are as "high as an elephant's eye" (any Oklahoma fans?) but the ears themselves are slow to grow. We're now overwhelmed with a good supply of cherry tomatoes. Good thing I have a recipe for a tasty tomato/cucumber salad!
Work is going well. We have been busy since the day I started. It'll be interesting to see if the number of patients varies by season. There have been plenty of interesting, enlightening, and entertaining patient encounters so far.
David has been doing a lot of work for an upcoming trial. Will it settle at the last minute? We'll soon find out!
Zachary is enjoying third grade. He likes his teacher and has been bringing home the usual stellar spelling tests and math homework. He has also started the PEAK program, which is a talented and gifted program with fancy new initials.
Lauren has a new pre-K teacher this school year and has been having a good time. The letters, sounds, numbers, colors, and shapes are all review for her, but she still likes it. We've been working on reading at home and apparently have yet another child prodigy on our hands. (Yes, the extra-thick bragging is intentional).
So, that's our mini-update for now. Hopefully pictures will be coming soon. Just make sure you're not holding your breath though! ;-)
~D, M, Z & L
Anyway, here are the things that have been taking up our time: 3rd grade, soccer, flag football, preschool, work, the lake, cleaning, picking "stuff" in the garden (weeds and actual food), laundry, cooking, reading, camping, procrastinating, etc. Pretty soon our Bible study group will be starting back up for the school year so we'll add that to the list!
David and I have been reading the Twilight saga, a series of four young adult books by Stephenie Meyer. They are fantastic! I finished book four and David is working on it now. If you have the means...
We finally picked one of our watermelons. It was quite tasty! We're still waiting for our corn. The plants are as "high as an elephant's eye" (any Oklahoma fans?) but the ears themselves are slow to grow. We're now overwhelmed with a good supply of cherry tomatoes. Good thing I have a recipe for a tasty tomato/cucumber salad!
Work is going well. We have been busy since the day I started. It'll be interesting to see if the number of patients varies by season. There have been plenty of interesting, enlightening, and entertaining patient encounters so far.
David has been doing a lot of work for an upcoming trial. Will it settle at the last minute? We'll soon find out!
Zachary is enjoying third grade. He likes his teacher and has been bringing home the usual stellar spelling tests and math homework. He has also started the PEAK program, which is a talented and gifted program with fancy new initials.
Lauren has a new pre-K teacher this school year and has been having a good time. The letters, sounds, numbers, colors, and shapes are all review for her, but she still likes it. We've been working on reading at home and apparently have yet another child prodigy on our hands. (Yes, the extra-thick bragging is intentional).
So, that's our mini-update for now. Hopefully pictures will be coming soon. Just make sure you're not holding your breath though! ;-)
~D, M, Z & L
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Chicago Weekend
Here's a little bit about our organized chaos in Chicago this past weekend. Ready? We went to the American Girl/Bitty Bear Matinee, the art museum, the Field Museum, Navy Pier, Cirque Shanghai Gold, the beach, the Hershey store, the Ghirardelli chocolate store, the Rainforest Cafe, Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, the Cheesecake Factory, and a White Sox game. Zachary and Lauren begrudgingly allowed their dear mom to shop at Ralph Lauren and Coach, two of her favorite stores. We managed to pack all of these activities in from Friday through Sunday and even found some time to rest while we were there. You can see the slideshow of our pictures posted below.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Backyard pics

Here are some pictures of a recent dinner in the backyard. In the first picture, Zachary and Lauren are displaying their lemon and apple slices. In the second picture, Zachary has decided that the lemon slice was too sour to eat, after all. He wanted me to take a picture of his "sour face."
After we got home from St. Louis last night, Lauren told me her brain "hatched" an idea. Her idea is to go to Disney for our next vacation. :-)
St. Louis pics are posted below.
St. Louis Trip
We're back from a mini vacation to St. Louis, MO! We arrived in St. Louis late Thursday night and returned home Sunday night. We had a great time! We visited the St. Louis Zoo, the Gateway Arch, the Museum of Westward Expansion (below the Arch), and the Old Cathedral, the first church in St. Louis. We went up in the arch and had a good view of St. Louis from 630 feet in the air! We also took a carriage ride and a Mississippi River cruise aboard the Tom Sawyer. We watched fireworks downtown on Saturday night and we also looked inside the old courthouse, the site of the Dred Scott slavery trial. I will post pictures soon.
Have a nice week!
~D, M, Z, & L
Have a nice week!
~D, M, Z, & L
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Bountiful Harvest, Bunnies, and Blooms

Saturday, July 19, 2008
This Weekend
We've been really busy this weekend and the weekend isn't even over yet! Friday we drove to Monticello, IN, to Indiana Beach. If you haven't been there, it is an amusement resort on Lake Schafer. It doesn't quite compare to Cedar Point, for any of the roller coaster afficionados, but it does have a lot of fun rides. Zachary rode three roller coasters and Lauren rode some of the tame kiddie rides.
Friday night we stayed in Indianapolis and ate like pigs at the Cheesecake Factory, one of our favorite restaurants. David had a piece of dutch apple caramel cheesecake and I had a piece of lemon raspberry cream cheesecake. That was after the calamari appetizer, loads of bread, and entrees that could have fed a small country. I'm kind of glad we have to drive to Indy or Chicago in order to eat there!
This morning we went to Connor Prairie, a living history museum. We'll have to go back soon because we didn't have a chance to see everything by the time we had to leave. We visited the Lenape Indian camp, the Connor Homestead (the first brick home in central Indiana), and part of Prairietown. Zachary and Lauren got to try their hands at dipping wax candles and we all tried to balance on stilts with varying success. We also watched the potter and the blacksmith. We got to pat chicks and newborn lambs in the barn!
After Connor Prairie, we headed to Anderson University to watch part of Matt's baseball game (Delaware Cows vs. Anderson Servants). Due to a rain delay, we only watched about 1/2 hour of the game. Then, we headed home so I could go to a comedy concert by Anita Renfroe at one of the local churches. She was quite funny, and we topped off our girls' night out with some good chocolate at DeBrand's. Anita Renfroe sings a Mom's Overture, set to the William Tell Overture. You can find it on YouTube at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W95Y8hNQiH8. I'm sure all moms can appreciate this one!
Tomorrow Zachary and Lauren are going to sing at church for a little post-Vacation Bible School concert. I was impressed with the number of songs they learned, including motions, throughout their week at VBS. Lauren sang many of the songs in the car this weekend when she thought nobody was listening. (She won't sing upon request.)
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
~D, M, Z & L
Friday night we stayed in Indianapolis and ate like pigs at the Cheesecake Factory, one of our favorite restaurants. David had a piece of dutch apple caramel cheesecake and I had a piece of lemon raspberry cream cheesecake. That was after the calamari appetizer, loads of bread, and entrees that could have fed a small country. I'm kind of glad we have to drive to Indy or Chicago in order to eat there!
This morning we went to Connor Prairie, a living history museum. We'll have to go back soon because we didn't have a chance to see everything by the time we had to leave. We visited the Lenape Indian camp, the Connor Homestead (the first brick home in central Indiana), and part of Prairietown. Zachary and Lauren got to try their hands at dipping wax candles and we all tried to balance on stilts with varying success. We also watched the potter and the blacksmith. We got to pat chicks and newborn lambs in the barn!
After Connor Prairie, we headed to Anderson University to watch part of Matt's baseball game (Delaware Cows vs. Anderson Servants). Due to a rain delay, we only watched about 1/2 hour of the game. Then, we headed home so I could go to a comedy concert by Anita Renfroe at one of the local churches. She was quite funny, and we topped off our girls' night out with some good chocolate at DeBrand's. Anita Renfroe sings a Mom's Overture, set to the William Tell Overture. You can find it on YouTube at the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W95Y8hNQiH8. I'm sure all moms can appreciate this one!
Tomorrow Zachary and Lauren are going to sing at church for a little post-Vacation Bible School concert. I was impressed with the number of songs they learned, including motions, throughout their week at VBS. Lauren sang many of the songs in the car this weekend when she thought nobody was listening. (She won't sing upon request.)
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
~D, M, Z & L
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Ten Things We've Done Recently or Are Currently Doing
1. Zachary and Lauren started Vacation Bible School at church tonight.
2. We painted the dock at the lake.
3. We spent a day at the zoo last Friday.
4. David and I went to Elkhart to eat at Indigo on 17, a new restaurant we've been wanting to try.
5. We've been planning a long weekend trip to St. Louis.
6. We made brownies over the weekend.
7. We've been watching the progress in our garden. We've picked some lettuce, strawberries, and raspberries. We also have some watermelons, peppers, cauliflower, peas, cabbage, and corn growing.
8. We've been reading our new books from Barnes & Noble.
9. We're planning another long weekend trip to Chicago.
10. Zachary's baseball season ended and he's now looking forward to soccer and flag football.
Have a nice week!
~D, M, Z & L
2. We painted the dock at the lake.
3. We spent a day at the zoo last Friday.
4. David and I went to Elkhart to eat at Indigo on 17, a new restaurant we've been wanting to try.
5. We've been planning a long weekend trip to St. Louis.
6. We made brownies over the weekend.
7. We've been watching the progress in our garden. We've picked some lettuce, strawberries, and raspberries. We also have some watermelons, peppers, cauliflower, peas, cabbage, and corn growing.
8. We've been reading our new books from Barnes & Noble.
9. We're planning another long weekend trip to Chicago.
10. Zachary's baseball season ended and he's now looking forward to soccer and flag football.
Have a nice week!
~D, M, Z & L
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Finally, a new post...almost a month after the last one! Jessica has tagged me for a meme (or re-tagged me since I didn't get around to answering the last one) so I better answer! Here it is...
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:1. Finishing a master's degree in arts administration; 2. Looking for a job; 3. Moving from Bloomington to Fort Wayne; 4. Picking out an apartment 5. Puppy-proofing the apartment
5 things on my to do list:
1. Look up answers to all of the questions I have accumulated after being at my new job for 3 weeks
2. Clean my very neglected house and hopefully enlist the help of the other household members
3. Grocery shopping
4. Read the mountain of books I just got at Barnes & Noble
5. Enjoy the summer
5 favorite snacks/food:
1. Cottage cheese
2. Ice cream
3. Wheat thins or Triscuits
4. Baked potatoes
5. Pizza
5 things I would do if I was a billionaire: 1. Set aside money for Zachary and Lauren's college tuition; 2. Donate to non-profit groups of choice; 3. Travel; 4. Buy expensive, fun things like jewelry, cars, etc.; 5. Give $$ or gifts of choice to family members
5 bad habits: 1. Cracking my knuckles; 2. Making piles instead of throwing things away; 3. Procrastinating; 4. Drinking too much Diet Coke; 5. "Forgetting" to exercise
5 Places I've lived:
1. Bloomington, IN
2. Edon, OH
3. Marietta, OH
4. Springfield, OH
5. Oxford, OH
...end of Meme! I don't know if I can think of anyone to tag. Feel free to tag yourself and let me know--haha!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Church Camp
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
...is my sparkly new title now that I have passed the AANP certification exam! I start my new job as a nurse practitioner (OB-GYN) on June 23rd!
Zachary and David are going to church camp at the end of this week so Lauren and I will look for some fun things to do around our home.
Both Zachary and Lauren have zoo camp next week. I will be shuttling them back and forth a lot since Lauren's camp is 1/2 day and Zachary's is a full day. I'm sure they'll both have a great time since they love going to the zoo! This is Lauren's first zoo camp but Zachary has attended for at least four years.
As I mentioned earlier, we are reconnecting our phone number this Friday. We didn't like the cell phone-only lifestyle, so we're going back to the 20th century. It is the same number we've had since 1999 so chances are good that you have the number fairly handy if you have called us before!
Enjoy the weekend and HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to dads and grandpas!
~D, M, Z, & L
Zachary and David are going to church camp at the end of this week so Lauren and I will look for some fun things to do around our home.
Both Zachary and Lauren have zoo camp next week. I will be shuttling them back and forth a lot since Lauren's camp is 1/2 day and Zachary's is a full day. I'm sure they'll both have a great time since they love going to the zoo! This is Lauren's first zoo camp but Zachary has attended for at least four years.
As I mentioned earlier, we are reconnecting our phone number this Friday. We didn't like the cell phone-only lifestyle, so we're going back to the 20th century. It is the same number we've had since 1999 so chances are good that you have the number fairly handy if you have called us before!
Enjoy the weekend and HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to dads and grandpas!
~D, M, Z, & L
Thursday, June 5, 2008
School's Out!
Enjoy! If you need Zachary's baseball schedule, please scroll down to the earlier posting.
~D, M, Z & L
Another phone update
We tried to be modern, 21st century people by giving up our land line and relying just on our cell phones. Apparently we are not quite so modern. We are reconnecting our land line next Friday (the 13th, of course). Our phone number will be exactly what it was before we had it disconnected. So, if you know us, it's the same one that's been in the phone book for the last 9 years! (Amazingly, Verizon hadn't given the number away yet.) You can still reach us on our cell phones, but you can also call us on the number that doesn't travel!
~D, M, Z & L
~D, M, Z & L
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Zoo Day

Today's activities...
D, Z, & L: Trip to the zoo with rides on the sky ride, carousel, and the boat ride in the Australian section
M: Studying for AANP certification exam, scheduled for June 10
D, M, Z, & L: Trip to the nearby garden center to shop for perennials and veggies for our garden
Monday, May 19, 2008
Zachary's Baseball Schedule

We got Zachary's baseball uniform and game schedule tonight. He is on the green team and will play all of his games on Diamond 2. For all Zachary fans (i.e. grandparents and other relatives), the schedule is as follows:
Friday 5/23--6:00 p.m.
Saturday 5/24--9:00 a.m.
Wednesday 5/28--6:00 p.m.
Friday 5/30--7:15 p.m.
Monday 6/2--6:00 p.m.
Wednesday 6/4--7:15 p.m.
Monday 6/9--6:00 p.m.
Monday 6/16--6:00 p.m.
Friday 6/20--7:15 p.m.
Monday 6/23--6:00 p.m.
Wednesday 6/25--7:15 p.m.
Monday 6/30--8:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Our Week in Review
Here's what we did this past week...
Michelle -spent three days in Chicago for an NP certification review. Four of us drove to the west side of Chicago for the review, shopping, and good restaurants! The review was very helpful, but long!
Lauren - had strep throat at the beginning of the week but she's feeling fine now that she's on antibiotics. Unfortunately she missed her preschool spring program because of the strep throat. Some of the week's activities included eating breakfast at the Flat Top Grille, washing the car, jumping on the trampoline, and planting some flowers.
Zachary - had baseball practice, jumped on the trampoline, and played with the Nintendo Wii. He finished the most recent Magic Treehouse book that was published, so he has now read all of them.
David - took Zachary and Lauren on various "field trips" while Michelle was in Chicago. He also worked on perfecting his Wii golf game. :-)
Michelle -spent three days in Chicago for an NP certification review. Four of us drove to the west side of Chicago for the review, shopping, and good restaurants! The review was very helpful, but long!
Lauren - had strep throat at the beginning of the week but she's feeling fine now that she's on antibiotics. Unfortunately she missed her preschool spring program because of the strep throat. Some of the week's activities included eating breakfast at the Flat Top Grille, washing the car, jumping on the trampoline, and planting some flowers.
Zachary - had baseball practice, jumped on the trampoline, and played with the Nintendo Wii. He finished the most recent Magic Treehouse book that was published, so he has now read all of them.
David - took Zachary and Lauren on various "field trips" while Michelle was in Chicago. He also worked on perfecting his Wii golf game. :-)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
NP Job!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008
Happy Nurses Week...

Other news:
* Zachary started baseball practice this week. We're waiting to see what interesting color his team will wear this year (especially after last year's drab brown color). I guess the players don't care about fashion, though.
* Lauren starts soccer this Saturday at the YMCA. (Lauren will definitely be interested in the shirt color.)
* The OWU Battling Bishops are headed to the NCAC baseball tournament finals today and Friday. Good luck, Matt!
Happy Mother's Day on Sunday!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Simon Says
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Play Ball!

Lauren recently got a new bat and glove so she tried them out tonight! She said she would like to play T-ball next summer and she thinks her uncle Matt should teach her how to play. Zachary was supposed to start little league practice this week but it was cancelled due to rain. Hopefully the weather will be nicer next week!
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