Sunday, November 30, 2008

Top Ten Things We Did This Thanksgiving

1. Visited with family
2. Ate lots of food (turkey, turkey, more turkey, and lunch at Red Robin today)
3. Bought presents for a Christmas family we're helping this year
4. Braved the mall today, which actually wasn't as crowded as we expected
6. Watched Bolt in 3-D at the movie theater
7. Read
8. Played games
9. Changed Lauren's earrings for the first time!
10. Watched IU basketball

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

'Twas the night before Thanksgiving and all through the house
Everyone was tired of hearing me grouse
About all of the items I had signed up to bake.
Wouldn't it have been easier to go buy a cake?

So the kiddles cracked eggs, poured gunk and flung flour.
We had everything made within just an hour.
When the timer went off, we ran to the oven,
Tore open the door to grab the food we'd be lovin'.

Our mouths were watering when we pulled out the treats.
Carbs, cheese and fruit make good Thanksgiving eats!
Temptation was too great and soon the kids were yellin',
Mommy's eating a cranberry bar...but who's tellin'?

Crisis averted, we went off to bed.
Visions of turkey and potatoes were certainly in my head.
Thanksgiving morning we packed up the car
And headed to Grandma's; just an hour, not far.

We ate two huge meals that Thanksgiving day.
The kids still had energy but we were too stuffed to play.
We ate way too much but took time to remember
What we were thankful for this November.

Zachary was thankful for food, and Lauren, for rolls.
Olivya agreed with the results of those polls.
Natasha, at the wise age of ten, simply said,
"I'm thankful for family and friends," off the top of her head.

So, just as Natasha so sweetly reminded us,
It's not just the gluttony that's a Thanksgiving plus.
It's the time we spend together and the family we treasure.
That's something more special than calories to measure!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy 5th Birthday, Lauren!

Trick or Treat 2008

Happy Birthday, Lauren!

Lauren is FIVE today! She had a birthday party with friends last night at Build-a-Bear. (Six little people at Build-a-Bear was an interesting adventure but the staff did a nice job.) Today we're celebrating with family at home. We're having a "Lauren's Favorites" lunch, consisting of pizza, macaroni and cheese, barbeque potato chips, a veggie tray, cake, ice cream, and Oreos. Very nutritious, indeed. Halloween and birthday pictures are coming soon!