Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Play Ball!

Lauren recently got a new bat and glove so she tried them out tonight! She said she would like to play T-ball next summer and she thinks her uncle Matt should teach her how to play. Zachary was supposed to start little league practice this week but it was cancelled due to rain. Hopefully the weather will be nicer next week!

Important Dates

Graduation time is finally here!

Thursday, May 1: MSN pinning, 6:30 p.m. (Hutzell @ USF)
Saturday, May 3: Graduation ceremony, 2:00 p.m. (Coliseum)

Other dates:
Sunday, May 11: Mother's Day
Tuesday, May 13: Lauren's preschool program, 7:00 p.m. (Pine Hills)

If you live in town, here are a couple of important opportunities for donations:
~ for meals and/or donations for the Lews after their house fire

~ for book donations to Kate's Kart (with a special collection this Saturday, 5/3)
Happy Birthday, Matt (4/30)!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Our Neighbors

For any of our local readers, the Lew Family has a new blog to keep family and friends updated after their house fire. You can read their blog here.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Latest

It has been a while since I've posted. We've been really busy lately! Here's what's been going on:
* We got a trampoline--with a safety net--and have been jumping like crazy [pictures coming soon].
* We went to Springfield, OH, to watch Matt play baseball over the weekend. While we were there, we met up with my friend from grade school who I hadn't seen since 1982!! We also saw her mom, husband, and two kids. It was a lot of fun and we are hoping not to let another 20-some years go by before we see them again!
* Zachary has been having lots of rehearsals at church for the spring musical. He is now even more toothless, if that's possible, and the tooth fairy is one tooth richer after the weekend.
* I finished my clinical hours for my NP program. Graduation is May 3!
* David and I started an enormous house cleaning project. (Our house has been a disaster while I have been in school for the past three years. We may re-hire the cleaning service we had before.)
* Lauren has been busy writing her letters and short words.
* David has been busy at work, so it is a good thing he already knows how to write his letters and long legal words. The legal profession may well be Lauren's calling, too (although she is definitely NP material...ha).
* I have been sending out resumes. It is a very boring process. I have a few potential job opportunities that I am pursuing. Send "very hireable new NP" thoughts my way (or the physician's way)!

That's about all on our homefront. Our backyard neighbors had a house fire today, which was very scary. They are all ok and have a place to stay, thank goodness.

~D, M, Z, L

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Day trip to Indy

Have you ever seen this 43-foot-tall glass tower? It is a sculpture called Fireworks of Glass, and it weighs 18,000 pounds!! Dale Chihuly made the entire tower out of blown glass. We took Zachary and Lauren to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis today and the tower was one of the featured exhibits. We also saw a Star Wars show in the planetarium, went through the Curious George play room, and saw real dinosaur bones in the Dinosphere exhibit. After the museum, we had dinner at The Cheesecake Factory. It was a fun little day trip!