Thursday, July 10, 2008


Finally, a new post...almost a month after the last one! Jessica has tagged me for a meme (or re-tagged me since I didn't get around to answering the last one) so I better answer! Here it is...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Finishing a master's degree in arts administration; 2. Looking for a job; 3. Moving from Bloomington to Fort Wayne; 4. Picking out an apartment 5. Puppy-proofing the apartment

5 things on my to do list:
1. Look up answers to all of the questions I have accumulated after being at my new job for 3 weeks
2. Clean my very neglected house and hopefully enlist the help of the other household members
3. Grocery shopping
4. Read the mountain of books I just got at Barnes & Noble
5. Enjoy the summer

5 favorite snacks/food:
1. Cottage cheese
2. Ice cream
3. Wheat thins or Triscuits
4. Baked potatoes
5. Pizza

5 things I would do if I was a billionaire: 1. Set aside money for Zachary and Lauren's college tuition; 2. Donate to non-profit groups of choice; 3. Travel; 4. Buy expensive, fun things like jewelry, cars, etc.; 5. Give $$ or gifts of choice to family members

5 bad habits: 1. Cracking my knuckles; 2. Making piles instead of throwing things away; 3. Procrastinating; 4. Drinking too much Diet Coke; 5. "Forgetting" to exercise

5 Places I've lived:
1. Bloomington, IN
2. Edon, OH
3. Marietta, OH
4. Springfield, OH
5. Oxford, OH

...end of Meme! I don't know if I can think of anyone to tag. Feel free to tag yourself and let me know--haha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michelle - you really lived in Springfield, OH? What did you do there? Small world - I go there for Thanksgiving every year with my Aunt or cousin, and the friend I traveled to Kazakstan to see is from there too.