Good St. Patrick travelled far, to teach God's Holy Word
And when he came to Erin's sod, a wondrous thing occurred.
He plucked a shamrock from the earth and held it in His hand
To symbolize the Trinity that all might understand.
The first leaf for the Father
And the second for the Son
The third leaf for the Holy Spirit, all three of them in one.
In honor of St. Patrick's Day, here is a recipe for a
Bailey's Irish Cream Latte:
Step 1: Take your coffee mug or coffee glass
Step 2: Pour in a shot of espresso coffee
Step 3: Add 3 ½ oz. of Bailey's Irish Cream
Step 4: Fill with steamed milk
Step 5: Decorate the top with froth
Step 6: Sprinkle with chocolate shavings
Oh, he occasionally takes an alcoholiday.--Wilde
David and I were recalling Green Beer Day at Miami University in Oxford, OH. Apparently the tradition goes on, and now there is even a web site for the occasion: http://www.greenbeerday.com/home.html. It even has its own Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Beer_Day. Wow. We didn't have green beer today. We did make some chocolate pudding with green mint chips in it. We also wore green today in honor of Michelle's 1/4 Irish heritage, Zachary and Lauren's 1/8 Irish heritage, and David's, um, Scottish heritage. Lauren had a St. Patrick's Day party at school today and she told me leprechauns "trashed" the classroom. Zachary said leprechauns did some damage in his classroom, too. I had no idea that was a St. Patrick's Day tradition. The things you learn from preschoolers and 2nd graders!
May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
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