I started sending out resumes this weekend for nurse practitioner positions. I contacted practices in a variety of specialty areas so it'll be interesting to see where I end up (hopefully sooner rather than later)!
David, Zachary and Lauren went swimming at the YMCA today while I worked on cover letters. I also filled out an incredibly long application for my NP certification exam. In addition to sending an official transcript, I had to list every class I have taken and every preceptor with whom I completed clinical hours. They wanted the preceptor's name, address, practice specialty, and credentials. That took a while since I had three years of classes and nine different medical practices to list!
We also made a trip to the Fresh Market today. Zachary and Lauren got desserts (chocolate cake and a cupcake) from the bakery but David and I managed to resist this overwhelming temptation. We were not able to resist our favorite deli salads though. We also stocked up on a couple of containers of Ciao Bella raspberry sorbet. If you aren't familiar with their sorbets and gelatos, click here to look at their delicious web site (no, they don't pay us for advertising)!
We haven't decided on tomorrow's agenda (or today's, since it is a little after midnight).
Matt's team (OWU) plays Denison this weekend in a 2-day double header series. He pitches tomorrow. Good luck, Matt!
I noticed that we have some crocuses in bloom! Happy spring!!
~D, M, Z, & L
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